
Friday, July 28, 2006

it's Friday again.... waahhh days gone so fast loh~

I found sum goodies from Takki's fan site these days ^^ Wallpapers!
oh yeayyy!! T&T on the beach... I just luv Tsubasa's kawaii smile there
gyaaaaa~ Tsubasa yg cuteeee udah balik!! I'm soooooooo happy yo~
sekarang komputer gw dikantor pake wallpaper T&T, bodo amat deh temen2 mau bilang apa... I dun care!!

my new wallpaper

Tsubasa KAWAIII~

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

barusan liat potongan PV Ho! Summer *jreng jreng*

ohmaigod!! PV-nya soooooo cuteeee ^o^
gw jadi senyum-senyum sendiri kayak orgil
senang banget deh liat T&T main dan tertawa bersama seperti itu
duh~ Tsubasa ketawa lebar sampe merem bo~ kawaii naa~

menurut gw ini PV T&T paling SERU!! the best deh!!
can't wait nunggu full version-nya
gyaaaa~ love Tackey & Tsubasa

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

today, i'm soooooo happy ^o^

tadi Nathan kasih gw boneka babi berwarna pinku... gyaaa~ luthu naa~
thanks babe... and..... i loveeee u so muchie!!
btw, sekarang anak babi itu diculik hiks!!

oiya.. kemarin buka site avex, ada pic cover single Ho! Summer

gyaaa~ covernya bagus.. kesannya fun banget!!
tsubasa tertawa lebar... duh~ kawaii na~
too bad, untuk single yg ini, gw malah blom order di CDJapan

barusan Mary telpon, katanya ada berita mo gempa lagi
heeekss~ gw langsung parnowati soekarnoputri dengar berita2 kayak gini
sumpah!! belakangan ini terlalu banyak bencana alam yg terjadi.
gw takut.... syereeemm!! hukss!!

Monday, July 24, 2006

I'm baaack!

monday again.. heks... I always hate Monday
a new week. Oh yeah.
supposedly better than last week, right? Right.

+ went to TA for Arisan
+ lunchie with the girls and did a little shopping
+ then watched Pirates of The Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest with Nathan
+ eat again
+ antre beli donut J.Co
+ then go home

+ went to ITC Permata with my mom
+ shopping some clothes for my brother and me
+ ke Carrefour
+ sorenya ke Gereja


I know that he loves me, cause he told me so
I know that he loves me, cause his feelings show
When he stares at me, you see he cares for me
You see how he is so deep in love ...

I know that he loves me, cause it's obvious
I know that he loves me, cause it's me he trust
And he's missing me if he's not kissing me
And when he looks at me, his brown eyes tell his so ...

(Destiny Child - Brown Eyes)

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

yesterday was a bad day ...
sejak hari senin bokap sakit, so gw pergi ke kantor alone... hiks... super duper tired
pengennya sih kalo bokap gak ngantor, gw juga bolos ^^
umm~ kalo kerja di kantor bokap, baru bisa begitu kali yee... but~!! I don't want to

gw dan Mary sama-sama sedang bermasalah dengan ikan-ikan kami *pout*
even though we're screwing on the different matters... but we have the point .. ne? ne?
memelihara ikan emang sulit bo~

today ....
akhirnya gw berhasil donlot potongan lagu Ho! Summer
umm~ cuma sekitar 1 menitan gitu sih... tapiii... senangnya dengar suara Tsubasa
sesuai dengan judulnya, Ho! Summer really a genki song
ho~! ho~! i like it

Monday, July 17, 2006

hello~ its Monday. AGAIN.

todae super duper malezzz
masih ngantuk beratsss
dakuw gak sanggup melek hik hik

so how's weekend?
mine was... pretty good
many things happened this week, some good and some bad - well.. okay.. mostly good~

met the girls, we had a 'little' party at pizza hut
really have fun yo~

me & my mom went to TA again, shopping!
duh~ kenapa disaat shopping waktu berjalan cepat sekaleee
akhirnya terpaksa buru-buru pulang , mengingat harus ke Gereja bo~

Friday, July 14, 2006

have you ever felt like, you want something that you can't have... and when you have to let it go, it's just hard

friday is coming again.. time flies so fast huh
oh well... tomorrow will be a better day, right? *convincing myself*

err.. maybe I need some shopping?
shopping is a real stress-relieving, at least for me
must call Mary for a shopping deeto ne~

now, I need some distraction *grabs Tsubasa*

Imai Tsubasa

minna, have a nice weekend ^^

Thursday, July 13, 2006

P E R S O N A L . . .
[my name is]: cicha
[in the morning i am]: very moody
[all i need is]: love and money
[if i could see one person right now]: tsubasa imai
[im afraid of]: loneliness and hatred
[i dream about]: having all the things i want in this world
[love is]: not blind! it sees more and not less, but because it sees more it is willing to see less

H A V E Y O U E V E R . . .
[pictured your crush naked?]: umm~ yes
[actually seen ur crush naked]: well... yeah
[been in love]: yes, of course
[cried when someone died]: yes
[drank alcohol]: no
[lied]: HOHOHO... yes
[coke or pepsi]: both
[flowers or candy]: flowers

W I T H T H E O P P O S I T E S E X . . .
[what do u notice first?]: face & smile
[last person u slow danced with]: never
[worst thing to say]: curse words
[tall or short]: tall

W H O . . .
[makes u laugh the most?]: my friends, but i laugh so easily lah
[makes you smile]: anyone who gives me nice attention
[gives u a happy feeling when u see them]: tackey & tsubasa
[has a crush on u?]: umm~ don't knoe
[easier to talk to: boys or girls?]: boys... but for a deep emotional advices, girls

D O Y O U E V E R . . .
[sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to I.M. u?]: no lah
[save aol/aim conversations]: nope... unless it's so damn important
[cried because of someone saying something to u]: yeah

H A V E Y O U E V E R . . .
[fallen for ur best friend]: no
[been rejected]: i don't think so
[rejected someone]: yes
[used someone]: only when they agreed to be used, and when he/she used me too
[been cheated on]: yes
[done something u regret]: yes

W H O W A S T H E L A S T P E R S O N . . .
[u talked to]: dede
[hugged]: nathan
[u instant messaged]: arleen
[u laughed with]: my mom (this morning)

H A V E Y O U / / D O Y O U / / A R E Y O U . . .
[smoke]: no
[obsessive]: yeah.. kinda
[color your hair]: no
[could u live without the computer?]: i think so
[how many peeps are on ur buddylist?]: i don't count
[what's your favorite food?]: dim sum
[whats ur favorite fruit?]: orange
[what hurts the most? physical pain or emotional pain?]: emotional
[trust others way too easily?]: no

F I N A L Q U E S T I O N S . . .
[i want]: lots of money
[i wish]: i could fix all my problems rite now
[i love]: my life, tsubasa imai, my family, my bf, my friends
[i miss]: my pretty tsubasa
[i fear]: no one loves me
[i hear]: sedang ingin bercinta - dewa mp3
[i wonder]: what my life would be if i'm not cancelled my plan 4 years ago

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Tsubacon DVD


DVD solocon Tsubasa rilis soon *yay*
Tia's phonecall this morning just made my day, arigatou Tia *chu*
woohoow~ can't wait till August come
I'm still in a super high mood ^^

IMAI TSUBASA 1st TOUR "23 to 24" DVD

Release Date: 2006/08/16
Price: 4.300 JPY
Preorder: CDJapan

*edit @ 17.23PM*

first, wanna say thank you very much to Panda for help me & Tia ordered Tsubasa's solocon DVD at CDJapan... arigatou ne Panda-chan *hugs*

then, wanna say thank you very much to Mary for calming me down hundreds of time until today, love U gal, sorry for bitching you with my problems

my back still hurt like hell. I dunno, but this thing is getting worse.
oh God, this is the most uncomfortable feeling I've ever had.
I just hate my body. I feel like dying *cries*

Friday, July 07, 2006

tampaknya gw lagi terjangkit PMS kelas berat!
maiguk... kesabaran gw bener2 lagi diuji!!


sebenarnya mood gw hari ini baek2 aja, suddenly ada seseorang yg ngasih gw SABUN
guess what!! sabun itu udah expired bo!!

allllooowwwww!! emangnya gw tong sampah?????
kenapa barang expired gak dibuang aja?????
kenapa mesti dikasih gw?????


sumpah!! gw sebeeeelllll pangkat infinity!!
ini kejadian yg kedua kalinya, dulu dia pernah kasih Kopi yg expired
untung gw punya kebiasaan utk periksa exp date suatu barang sebelum dipakai/makan
saat itu gw gak permasalahin, setelah buang kopi2 itu then gw lupain
but gara2 sabun siyalan, gw jadi teringat lagi

gw gak tau dia sengaja OR emang dia gak bisa baca exp date
yg jelas gw sangat TERSINGGUNG *hekss*

to u-knoe-who, if you read this, I want you to apologize to me!


tetangga depan rumah lagi bikin hajatan, ohmomo... ada panggung dangdut bo!! suaranya kenceng nian!! I can't hear anything, selain suara penyanyi dangdut yg super duper cempreng!!
temen gw yg barusan telpon ke rumah, mengira gw yg sedang setel lagu dangdut hahahaha!! *ketawa pahit*
gak tau bakal sampe jam berapa acara itu, bisa2 gw gak bisa tidur karena terlalu berisik


ud sebulan lebih komputer gw yg dirumah rusak, lebih tepatnya windows-nya rusak but gw belum sempat panggil teknisi utk dateng benerin.
tadi gw isenk nyalain trus dengan PD-nya gw coba install sendiri
hasilnya adalah Windows XP Home terinstall dengan sukses, tapi.... sayang seribu sayang.... GAK ADA OFFICE-nya bo!!
duh~ gw baru sadar kalo CD Recovery yg dapet dari HP Pavilion hanya berisi Windows XP Home dan anti virus doank.
sekarang program yg ada di komputer hanya windows & anti virus expired, yg lain raib!!
eeekkkkkk!! tragedy!!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Khasiat Buah Alpukat Untuk Menghilangkan Stress

Buah alpukat memang sangat disukai oleh banyak orang termasuk saya atau mungkin anda juga. Daging buahnya bisa di buat juice segar atau untuk campuran cake, bisa juga dimakan langsung.

Tetapi tahukah anda bahwa selain buahnya ternyata biji buah alpukat bisa dipergunakan untuk menghilangkan amarah atau kekesalan anda terhadap seseorang.

Hal tersebut telah di buktikan oleh beberapa ahli peneliti gizi dan pangan dari USA dan U.K pada konggres International Food & Drink beberapa waktu lalu di New York.

Jangan langung membuang biji alpukat setelah anda memakan dagingnya, tetapi simpanlah biji alpukat tersebut dalam suatu tempat karena mungkin suatu saat anda akan membutuhkannya kembali.

Berikut ADALAH cara memanfaatkan biji alpukat untuk menghilangkan stress anda:

"Lemparkan biji alpukat tersebut kepada orang yang membuat anda kesal, dijamin maka stress anda akan sembuh..."


garink ya??
hekss!! gw juga berasa garink!!
sayang 50rb sayang, gw gak pernah simpan biji alpukat, padahal sekarang ini gw pengen timpuk seseorang!! *hekss*

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

sejak kemarin mood gw butek sebutek-buteknya dan garink segarink-garinknya *kriuuk...!*

apa yg menyebabkan dakuw begitu sebel??
karena tingkah laku seseorang... I hate that person!! I'm NOT your babysitter!! I have NO TIME to babysit you!!
umm~ sebenarnya tadi ud sempat tulis a lot of makian utk oknum terkait, tapi... setelah bercurhat ria with Mary-chan, rasanya gak begitu esmosi lagi

but still...
I am pretty much under stress... not depressed but pretty much there are a lot of things going on my brain
trus tadi baca ramalan shio di salah satu majalah, duh~ tepat banget bo!!

Monday, July 03, 2006

July is here! OMG it's July already boo~
life so far pretty much the same, work and fun

nah~ juz brief post ^^

well... last Friday, gw gak masuk kantor karena gak enak body
juz stay at home and do nothing... ahhh... hidup ini indah!
di pagi yg indah itu Tia called me, there's Tsubasa solo con in August!!
ohhh!! this is BIG NEWS!! CONGRATULATIONS!! and GANBATTE Tsubasa!! I'm soooo happy for you *chu*
duh~ betapa gw pengen banget bisa nonton, tapi apa daya... no money!!
since my mom udah kadung sentimen.com ama yg berbau jepang *hiks* gak ada harapan utk berdemo apalagi melontarkan rayuan gombal
nasib ohhh nasib....!!

btw, secara mengezzzzutkan Tim Brazil kalah dari Perancis *hekss*
gyaaaa~ gw kuciwa beratssss!!

on sunday Nathan and I went to PIM, we watched Superman Returns
filmnya bagus and keren!! gak rugi deh duduk 2.5 jam di bioskop nan dingin
mama mia... Brandon Routh so handsome!