
Sunday, October 31, 2004

gw lagi mampir ke warnet *wink*
habis pulang gereja, gw potong rambut lagi

kemarin gw pergi ke TA, untuk arisan bareng temen-temen SMA, tapi belum dapat tuh.
setelah dipikir-pikir, mendingan dapatnya ntar aja kalo DVD Harucon keluar hahahaha.
dari TA lanjut ke PI, ikutan gath IJ, yg datang lumayan banyak deh.. happynya!
aduhh gw mupeng liat banyak majalah yg ada Tsubasa kakoii
btw, today gw salah pake kostum, akibatnya sungguh tragis hahahaaha...
kapok.com deh *wink*

aduhh dingin banget & banyak asap rokok, gak betah ahh...
besok dilanjutkan lagi entry-nya...

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Romeo & Juliet *wink*

Ohhh.. cuma mau ngomong kalo gw lagi sukaaaaaa bangettt lagu 'Serenade'
Intro awalnya keren, Reff-nya lebih keren lagi, sekali denger langsung jatuh cinta.
Apalagi pas liat PVnya... ohhhh.... OK bangett

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

kyaaaaa!!! new leot and Tsubasa so kawaii diatas tempat tidur hihihi...
thanks so muchh to Tia yg udah buatin leotnya.
arigatoo ne~

sebenarnya blom puas liat leot ero Tsuba *thanks so muchh to Ira-chan* tapi karena gw gak bisa buka kecuali kalo lagi di warnet, akhirnya di pasang leot baru, btw tetap Tsubasa kok hihihi.
becoz i'm so in love with Tsubasa *doki doki*

btw, barusan mami telpon kalo CD kompilasi News sedang meluncur ke kantor gw.. yay!!! senangnya *tralala trilili*

Sunday, October 24, 2004



Ohh..Gosh!! Gw mabok berat nih, abis liat Johnny's Power Tsubacon.
Kyaaa!!! Tsubasa so sexy
Apalagi pas lagu Nurete ohh... ohh... *speechless*
Tsuba's sexy butt

Thanks so much to Tia & Jenn *wink*
Dengan sukses gw mabok berat hahaha..
but.. i'm happy

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Yuya TEGOSHI from NewS Takes the Leading Role in His First Movie.

Debuting as an actor, Yuya TEGOSHI (16) of the idol group NewS has been selected for the leading role in "Shisso" directed by SABU (39).
The movie is based on the novel by Kiyoshi SHIGEMATSU.
The production team is eying to participate in the major 3 film festivals.
TEGOSHI who has no experience in acting will devote himself to act a collapsing boy having his brother arrested, facing family breakdown and lead to murder.

TEGOSHI just made his debut as a member of NewS in September 2003.
He is one of the youngest in the group as well as Hironori KUSANO (16).
He will be the first to debut in the screens from the group.

The filming is scheduled to start in mid November when TEGOSHI celebrates his 17th birthday.
"I didn't expect that such a big chance would come along this fast. It would be my best birthday present." says TEGOSHI energetically.

SABU who enjoys high reputation in and out of Japan made his offer directly.
SABU won the NETPAC award in Berlin International Film Festival with his film "Kofuku no Kane" last year.

SABU saw TEGOSHI in "SUMMARY" this August.
He decided to select him because of acting talent, which totally fits in his next movie.
SABU commented praising "He has power in his eyes. I thought he would be a good actor and I am not worried about his lack of experience."

Shuji, the boy TEGOSHI will play, has a high-grade brother arrested for arson.
His father disappears, and he has relations with an elder woman, who is a Yakuza's lover and be abused by Yakuza.
He has to go through extreme hardship and eventually lead towards homicide.

TEGOSHI stated, "It is difficult to interpret his feelings in each scene. Shuji is a strong boy who is trying to protect the most important thing.
I think we are alike since we both blitz along."

Since the production team are targeting Cannes, Berlin and Venetia film festivals competition, they are considering releasing it abroad.

Released to be in autumn 2005.

< credit to Dobu of Johhnys Cafe >

konichiwa minna-san ^.^
genki desu ka?

gak kerasa udah kamis, yay!! bentar lagi weekend.
dari kemarin-kemarin mau update, tapi sibuk terus krn orang pajak datang mendadak.
dan gak tau kenapa, dari kompi kantor gak bisa buka blog gw hiks...

btw, gw baru liat pics Tsuba dari majalah baru, aduh gayanya kakoii banget *wink*
my princess Tsuba berubah menjadi my prince Tsuba hihihi... kakoii yo~

oiya.. ada perubahan di list my boyz *wink*
sekarang tambah Tegoshi Yuya aka Yuya darling hahahahaha...
thanks to someone yg sudah membantu gw membuat banner Yuya.
kyaa!!! Yuya so kawaii.

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Happy B'day Tsuba-chan

happy birthday to you...
happy birthday to you...
happy birthday dear Tsuba...
happy birthday to you...

Happy Birthday My Dearest Tsubasa
Wishing You All The Best
May your wishes come true
And God Bless You

yay!! today tsuba baby udah 23 tahun.. Otanjoubi Omedetou Tsuba-chan.
hmm... kira-kira party seperti apa yg disiapkan Takki untuk Tsuba??
I hope 'wild party'

Btw, leot gw ganti lagi, tapi tetap Tsubasa dong
Kali ini dalam rangka ultah Tsubasa, dan karena gw suka banget Tsubasa dengan rambut pendeknya.
Kyaaaa!!! Thanks so much to Ira-chan yg sudah membuatkan leot ero tsuba ini *wink*
and thanks juga untuk banner Tsuba B'day-nya *mwaks mwaks ira-chan*
Gw sukaaaaaaaaaaaa bangettt! Domo arigatoo..

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Yay!! Akhirnya bisa nge-blog lagi.
Saking lamanya sampai lupa mau cerita apa.
Hmm.. akhirnya gw selesai juga nonton 10 disc Mi Jia Le, dengan susah payah.com ne~
Sekarang gw lagi nonton 'The Outsiders' (Thanks to mami yg udah minjemin).
Bagus banget ceritanya, baru sekarang gw sempat nonton.
Mam, harus nonton juga loh.. asli bagus!! *wink*

Oiya, gw juga udah nonton SUGAO
Thanks so much to Tia & Juju.

>> SUGAO 1
menit-menit pertama nonton, gw masih gak ngeh.. ehh yg mana Tsuba? *celingak celinguk*
tapi akhirnya ketemu juga hahaha..
waks!! my Tsuba masih kurus banget & rambutnya jelek abis.
gak papa, tetap cakep kok dimata gw
hmm.. yg paling cantik diantara para junior itu tentu aja Aiba & Yamapi.
senangnya waktu liat Aiba & Tsuba duduk bersebelahan di dalam bis hihihi...
kyaaa!!! Takki kissu Yamapi
btw, Tsuba blom ada solo nih.. kalo nyanyi pasti bareng ama Takki.
tapi ada pas Tsuba dance sebentar, waks!!! udah sexy yo~

>> SUGAO 2
yay!!! di Sugao 2 Tsuba ada solo (2 x kalo gak salah). yipppiiieeee!!! senangnya liat Tsuba dance
dan pas photo session, Tsuba bareng sama Sho.. ohh.. kawaii
Tsuba topless?? hmm.. doki doki
oiya, ada 1 part, Aiba-chan main harmonika, kyaaa!!! kakoii *vickyyyyyyyy*
btw, Takki & Subaru???? Bad idea!!!!

>> SUGAO 3
ohh yess!!! kali ini banyak banget solo Tsuba *wink*
gw pas liat Tsuba nyanyi 'Nurete Rainy Day'
ohh.. sexy bon bon
kali ini Tsuba di foto berdua Takki *yeaahhh!!*
Tsuba so pretty, cocok deh sama Prince Takki
gw paling suka liat Tsuba main piano... ohhh... *lovesick*
Sugao 3 paling fave karena disini Tsuba sudah menjadi princess Takki hahahahaha...

Friday, October 08, 2004

I was grinning the entire day for no reason.
Tiaaa.. U know exactly what happened to me hahahaha..
Yes!!! I'm so lovesick.
Takkitsuba I Love you both *kicks koutan go away*

Tia mentions about 'Serenade' in her blog.
I'm curious... like what? like what?
I wanna hear too.. hikss...

Btw, akhirnya gw nonton juga 'Dancing with Michael'
Niu Nai.. this is becoz of you darling.
Aduhh filmnya aneh bin ajaib, kalo bukan demi liat Niu Nai,
hmm.. gak bakal gw tonton deh.
Muka Niu Nai sering di shoot close up, but.. itu rambut jeleknya setengah mati.
*tabahkan hati, cukup liat mukanya aja*
Setiap gw nonton, baru 1 1/2 disc udah ngantuk berat..
Ternyata film ini bisa jadi obat tidur gw hahahahahaaha *dui bu qi EG*

To Ira-channn, thanks undangan party-nya *wink*
ano... ada yg bisa dibantu?
misalnya menemani Sho disaat dikau sibuk masak fettucini? hahaha.

To Vicky : today GC sepiii tanpa dikau hihihi..

To Tia : Arigatoo kiriman-nya, bikin hidup gw lebih hidup ne~

Thursday, October 07, 2004

I'm back
Minna genki??

Kyaaaa!! How much I miss my blog, miss Tsuba-chan too *hugs tsuba* and of course I miss u gals.

I'm so bored and sleepy.
But my computer can't open IE, so I'm run to my friend's comp to write some entry and browsing IT for looking my Tsuba-chan pic
Ohh thanks so much to someone who posting those pictures.
Tsubasa look so cute
Aihh aiihh Tsuba-chan aishiteru yo!!

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Today is Ira-chan birthday.

I wanna say : HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Ira-chan.
Wishing you all the best and GBU abundantly.
*hugz & kissu ira-chan*